Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Homework #1

1. Reflecting about today's class:
Today we discussed the Japanese concept of "wrapping".

-Do you agree with the web site's description?
>I think I have to agree with the web site's description of wrapping. Actually, I have never thought about it before. But I remembered when I went to Australia and America, I saw lots of houses over there do not have any walls around the houses and it looked so opened. Also, their curtain at a window were always opened even it is night time and I can see inside easily. On the other hand, in Japan, you will find so many fenced houses and curtain is completely closed specially at night. I think the other examples are also correct.

-What do you do that can be called "wrapping"? Give examples and reasons for your actions.
①"Gift wrapping"
Have you ever seen a Japanese gift or present? It is always wrapped beautifully and it comes with a ribbon, sticker, or flower. When I get a something for gift, I always ask the worker if she can gift-wrap or not. I usually don't gift-wrap by myself, because it is free and it is much better looking than I do. I think Gift-wrapping is important part of the gift-giving. Before you open a gift, you can enjoy the looks and feel more excited to open it. And I think Japanese gift reciever also knows about this. When they open a gift, they try to open carefuly and keep the beautiful style. This is also different from America. When American people open a gift, they rip open the wrapping-paper.
②"wrapping a lunchbox with handkerchief"
I usually prepare my lunch box, bring to school, and eat. After I make lunch, I wrap up my lunchnox with a handkerchief. Sometimes I put in a small bag for a lunchbox. I do this becasue sometimes I put wet dish in a lunchbox and a handkerchief will help to not spill out in my bag, so it is very useful.
③"Japanese Wrapping Cloth"
I don't use Japanese Wrapping Cloth so often but Japanese people used Japanese Wrapping Cloth, 風呂敷, a lot in a past. Japanese Wrapping Cloth is used for wrapping clothes when people go to take a bath and bring their clothes. Also, they used when they bring something to someone's house or office. Becasue Japanese Wrapping Cloth is big size of handkerchief and it is light, easy to wrap and caryy, and useful. Right now, Japanese Wrapping Cloth is good souvenir for forerigner tourists.
I am not sure I can call this wrapping or not but I think makeup is kind of wrapping. Women do a makeup when they go to outside. I think we do because it is kind of social rules and we want look good and better.
⑤"a special envelope monetary gift"
There are so many kinds of a special envelope monetary gift in Japan. For example, it is used for a wedding, funeral, New Year's money gift and all that. We wrap money with Japanese paper for calligraphy and put the special envelope. We have to chose for the correct situation and occasion. In Japan, people don't give just naked money to people. We always put money in a envelop and if we don't have any envelop, we wrap with tissue paper.

2. Preparation for the next class "Death and Funerals"

a. Where do you go when you die?
> I hope I go to heaven after I die. On the other hand, I am wondering there is any such a place I will be or not after I die. I can tell or feel where I am? People can not avoide getting old and going to die. Nobody can tell where people went after they die. I think if somebpdy knows the answer, it is god or Buddha or some other kinds of god. Right now I only do what I can do until my death comes. I just hope when I die I can feel I had a great life with lots of people.
> After I die, my funerals will hold the way of Zen(Buddhism) sect which is my dad's sect. And then, I will have a cremation and be in my parent's grave if I would not get married. If I get married, I will be in my husband's grave and hold funeral with his way of sect.

b. Explain why do Japanese have death memorial services 1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, etc. after a person's death?
>I think we have death memorial services 49th day, 1 year, 3 year, 7 year, etc.
Buddhist tradition has established a ritual series of memorial services. The urn what dead person's borns are inside after the cremation, is kept at home for 49 days, then taken to the cemetery for the final rest. Every seven days during this period rites are held at the household altar. Originally, we should have a memorical services every 7th day for 7 times but this is difficult to have, so we have 49th day (7x7). At the day, people bring the urn to the grave from home. They pay respect at gravesite of the person who died. After that, all relatives will get together and eat lunch together. Other services are held 1st, 3rd, 7th, and even after that anniversaries after the death. In Buddhism, number 3 and 7 are important number. Number 「7」 is important becuase Buddha walked 7 steps when he was born. The other reason is that Buddha says people has 6 hesitations and 7 is the number beyond 6 so people can get over them.「3」 is also important because 3 is the number beyond 2. 2 meant there is 2 ways to think like yes or no, win or lose, mischief or profit, like that. Buddha says to son he should live beyond 2. There is not only 2 ways. You should go middle way which is important one for Buddhsm's goal. From that, even if people can not have memorial service every year, they should have it the year with the number 3 and 7 which is important for Buddhism.